
Ocean Freight Services

Ocean freight, also known as sea freight, refers to the transportation of goods via cargo ships across oceans and seas. It is a key component of international trade, allowing for the movement of large volumes of goods between countries and continents. Ocean freight is particularly well-suited for transporting bulk cargo, heavy machinery, and goods that are not time-sensitive.

Benefit of Service

  • Standardized Containers: Goods are typically packed into standardized containers, making it easier to load and unload cargo from ships and facilitating seamless transitions between different modes of transportation.
  • Container Types: Common container types include dry containers, refrigerated containers (reefers), flat racks, and open-top containers, each designed to accommodate specific types of cargo.

Packages and Web
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Professional and
Dedicated Team

Trusted Construction

How it Work

Our Ocean freight service involves a series of processes and steps to ensure the smooth transportation of goods across oceans and seas.

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